Monday 30 July 2018

Steps Web Course

Possibly one of the most informative PD courses I have been on.  A fantastic 2 days spent in Nelson with the Steps Web Developer Ros Lugg.  As the course progressed I continuously identified a number of our learners who I can see this programme working extremely well for.  
Notes from the 2 days 

Implementations since:  As a team we have identified 9 learners who we are going to implement the programme for fully (I never knew how until now)  These learners will be pre tested, written samples, word samples taken, Peters Spelling and steps assessment done.  The idea is to have as much pre data as possible to show if the programme has worked for these students.  Students will be reassessed at the end of the year using the same testing.
On 25th July I also ran a staff meeting introducing them to the course and what I had learnt.  We have been issued 15 new licenses which a number of staff have expressed interest in trialing with their students so I will activate these to trial for them.

Wednesday 19 July 2017

Collaboration via Social Media

One of the really important things I have found in teaching is to collaborate.  I am a member of a facebook page NZ Teachers (Primary)  This is a forum where teachers from all over NZ post ideas, tips, resources and seek ideas and help.
Whilst looking through the site yesterday a colleague was asking for help sharing MP3 files from places like journal surf. I offered some advice as I have recently taught myself how to do this in our new platform after being shown how in our old one.  This generated a string of people following the post and asking for ideas so I offered to screencastify myself demonstrating how to make shareable links so the are accessible to students.  Hopefully this little bit helps them.

Monday 26 June 2017

Feedback from Jeff - re Rippa

Reflective thoughts - Read Theory

This is a new Digital Initiative that I have been trialing in my class over the past 2 weeks.  Initially I implemented it with my capable readers and then introduced to the whole class.  They LOVE it!  It is very engaging as they get to earn points and compete against each other while improving their reading comprehension strategies.  Each child is able to monitor their progress independently and using this information can then develop their own personal reading comprehension goals.  As a classroom teacher this programme also gives me a comprehensive amount of information around each students understanding, especially in the areas of inferencing, text knowledge and language understanding.  I can see very quickly where gaps are to use as focus teaching points and look at individual tests and answers to see if there are common trends (i.e. understanding of questions)

Wednesday 3 May 2017

PLG 3 May 2017

Discussion:  Michelle Coxhead - Te Reo Maori classroom
What does it look like?
PROTECTION the knowledge interests and values and the Taonga
PARTICIPATON Using extra Te Reo within writing.